William de Smet williamdesmet at
Fri Sep 21 07:38:13 EDT 2012

Hi Dixie,

This is a Livecode problem.
The same thing happened last year with iOS 5.
My apps crash on iOS 6 as well. last night I installed Xcode 4.5 and the
Simulators 5.0 and 5.1.
I will test tonight if the apps compiled from LC 5.5.2 will work with iOS 6.

Otherwise Runrev needs to make an update.



2012/9/21 John Dixon <dixonja at>

> Err... a problem
> I have some apps in the iTunes store... When they are downloaded onto an
> iphone running iOS 6 they crash !...
> Anyone seeing the same ?... All my apps were built using Snow Leopard
> 10.6.8, LC 5.5.1, xCode 4.2.. the settings in standalone settings were for
> 'ipod iphone', '3.1.3 or later' and 'Universal'... looking quickly through
> the Apple stuff it seems that I am going to have to resubmit these apps.
> So, right now am installing Mountain Lion and xCode 4.5...
> But until I can do that, jump through all the 'bloody' hoops again and get
> things back to some semblance of normality, has anyone any idea how I can
> take my apps down from the iTunes store ?... as one of them is still
> selling quite well, but I think that it will be better to take them all
> down rather than having people download them and watch them crash !...
> Is all this a liveCode problem ?
> Help...:-)
> Dixie
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