Cut-Paste across stacks ?

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Wed Sep 19 02:28:41 EDT 2012

On 09/19/2012 12:29 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 9/18/12 3:18 PM, Richmond wrote:
>> If one has a stack with, for example, 2 substacks, one of
>> which contains an image "X.png".
>> Now I want to move image "X.png" from substack "sONE"
>> to substack "sTWO".
>> sending the command  cut img "X.png"  seems all very straightforward 
>> . . .
>> BUT . . .
>> while I can issue the command  paste
>> how can I ensure that the clipboard contents (i.e. img "X.png") are
>> pasted into substack "sTWO" rather than abck into substack "sONE" ?
> Go there, with the screen locked if you want.
> Or you can avoid the clipboard entirely:
>   copy img "X.png" to cd x of stack "sTWO"
>   delete img "X.png" of this cd

That looks wonderful. Thanks a lot.


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