Skanky ways to play MP3 on Windows XP

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Fri Sep 14 16:25:56 EDT 2012

On 14/09/2012 12:20, Richmond wrote:
> Some of us have been agitating for Livecode to have
> inbuilt sound playback possibilities, as Quicktime & Linux don't mix, and
> while one can playback sound on Linux from Livecode, one has to twiddle
> about with one's codebase per platform

No argument here.  In fact I tried to discuss paying RunRev to implement 
better multimedia support on Linux six years ago, for the same project that 
I'm returning to now - because we were deploying fifty (it's now nearer 100) 
units, I hoped the savings on the Windows license could have paid for some 
RunRev development, to the benefit of everyone.  Unfortunately the timing 
wasn't right and it couldn't happen.

Still hoping...


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