Uploading and Storing Mobile Photos in Database?

John Patten johnpatten at mac.com
Wed Sep 12 11:54:42 EDT 2012

Hi All..

What is the recommended strategy for uploading and storing photographs from a mobile device to an online mysql database? (This would be utilizing on-rev.)

The stored images would be accessed via web interface and I could see creating multiple front ends to the image database eventually. I have lots of ideas of how this could be used over and over again, so I'm looking for a strategy that can easily be duplicated.

Some thoughts...

- Create unique name for image, ftp image to folder, and store image name/path and image description in database. Access image by calling up image name in database via sql/php commands?

- Create unique name for image, use POST command to send image to folder on server. Store image name (path to image on server), image description, etc . in database?

- Convert image to text and store the image text data in the actual database as well as image description, name, etc.? 

- Store the image as a blob in the database. Call up the image and image data using sql/php calls?

Any LiveCode examples of this out in the wild?

Thank you!

John Patten

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