pirate version of my book...

Bob Sneidar bobs at twft.com
Tue Sep 4 12:14:03 EDT 2012

I hate to say it, but all this makes a good argument for phone-home authentication. 


On Sep 2, 2012, at 12:00 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

>> Meanwhile, what's really interesting about the scale of piracy of Colin's
>> book is that people see such a demand for it. Its a real compliment in a
>> way, and the more the links proliferate, the more of a compliment it is.
> I don't think we can correlate the number of places it appears and the actual demand for it. It seems to me that everything is being posted these days (the apparently complete Google Play library on androidpit surprised me, but I doubt Casey's Solitaire is getting much traction over there.) We don't really know how many times the items are actually downloaded.
> But like you I do hope it translates to both more legitimate sales of Colin's book, and additional sales of LiveCode.

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