another display image question

Timothy Miller gandalf at DOCTORTIMOTHYMILLER.COM
Sat Sep 1 18:04:22 EDT 2012


This is a follow-up to another question on a similar topic, posted just a few minutes ago.

I'm wondering how to crop the display of an image in an "image area." The original is a .jpg or .png saved on the hard disk.

I could do that with with overlying opaque fields, moving them around as needed, but that sounds cumbersome.

There might be other ways. If so, would someone be so kind as to describe briefly how this is done?

I'm vaguely aware that LC makes it possible to alter images pixel by pixel. I assume this would alter the displayed image not the original, but I'm feeling my way in the dark here. Presumably, one would change the color of rows or columns of pixels to black, white or some other background color, to simulate cropping. If that's accurate, does someone have a ready-made script I could adapt to my own needs?

Finally, once an image is cropped, does LC offer a way to save the altered image? I suppose it could take a screen shot. Is there any other way?

Thanks in advance,


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