Script problem

charles61 cszasz at
Fri Oct 26 18:20:23 EDT 2012


As far as I can tell, the problem had to do with other marked cards that had checkboxes despite not having a custom property. When I initially tested my code with a sample stack, all of the cards were marked and had checkboxes with custom properties. 

In my actual project, there were marked cards but some of the cards did not have checkboxes with custom properties. When I added a little bit more code to catch my empty custom properties, my code was working again without the insertion of five blank lines.  Despite Therry's code to identify checkboxes that had my custom property, I had cards identified as having checkboxes with custom properties when there were none on the cards. Again, I checked all of my checkboxes several times and could not find any with blank strings for custom properties.  

Charles Szasz
cszasz at

On Oct 26, 2012, at 6:10 PM, "Dick Kriesel [via Runtime Revolution]" <ml-node+s278305n4656682h71 at> wrote:

> Charles, please let us know what the problem was. 
> If the problem persists, I suggest you check the whether the suspect checkboxes may be affected by a getProp for "uMyLabel," or by a custom property set. 
> -- Dick 
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