Script problem

Thierry Douez th.douez at
Wed Oct 24 12:25:45 EDT 2012

2012/10/24 charles61 <cszasz at>:
> I am using the following script to retrieve the labels of checked checkboxes
> on marked cards and put them in the field "recommendations". The labels are
> custom properties (uMyLabel).  The script works fine but I am getting five
> blank lines in recommendations field before the first checkbox label is
> inserted in the field.
> Any suggestions?

Ok, I try one :)

I'm guessing that you have a card which is marked , contains 5 checkbox buttons
with no customproperty uMyLabel !

Check this by inserting another line:

> on mouseUp
>    repeat with y = 1 to the number of cards of stack "MyStack"
>       if the mark of card y of stack "MyStack"= true then
>          put the number of buttons of card y of stack "MyStack"into nbr
>          repeat with n = 1 to nbr
>             if the style of button n of card y of stack "MyStack" is
> "checkbox"\
>                   and the hilite of button n of card y of stack "MyStack"   then

   *******  if  the uMyLabel of button n of card y of stack "MyStack"
is empty then
                     put y &&  n
                end if

>                put the uMyLabel of button n of card y of stack "MyStack" iinto tName
>                put tName & cr after theList
>             end if
>          end repeat
>       end if
>    end repeat

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