Video externals: XMediaPlayer API
Klaus on-rev
klaus at
Wed Oct 24 09:57:12 EDT 2012
Hi friends,
here the complete API for the XMediaPlayer external, it is the same for the
WMP and VLC version of the external.
I added analogies to the QuickTime player object of Livecode where possible.
I will post the API for the "XVideoJoiner" external tomorrow, there have been some
changes recently that I need to write down first.
Klaus Major
klaus at
XMediaPlayer API (WMP and VLC!)
1. Commands
XMediaPlayer_Open PlayerName,WindowId
Open a new instance of mediaplayer
PlayerName = any name (one word!) you want, use it to address the mediaplayer later
WindowId = window id of stack you want to display the video in
put the windowID of this stack into tWID
XMediaPlayer_Open "Your_Player",tWID
If a mediaplayer with that name already exists, then the command will be ignored!
XMediaPlayer_Close PlayerName
Close instance of mediaplayer with name: PlayerName
XMediaPlayer_Close "Your_Player"
If a mediaplayer with that name does not exist, then the command will be ignored!
XMediaPlayer_Pause PlayerName
Pause playback of mediaplayer
XMediaPlayer_Pause "Your_Player"
If a mediaplayer with that name does not exist, then the command will be ignored!
XMediaPlayer_Play PlayerName
Start mediaplayer
XMediaPlayer_Start "Your_Player"
If a mediaplayer with that name does not exist, then the command will be ignored!
XMediaPlayer_Stop PlayerName
Stop mediaplayer
XMediaPlayer_Stop "Your_Player"
If a mediaplayer with that name does not exist, then the command will be ignored!
2. Mediaplayer Properties
General syntax for setting a property:
XMediaPlayer_Set PlayerName, Name_of_Property, Value_of_Property
If a mediaplayer with that name does not exist, then the commands will be ignored!
URL = filename of video to display
XMediaPlayer_Set "Your_Player","url","/Users/klaus/Movies/MP4/ToTheOne1.mp4" ## Mac
XMediaPlayer_Set "Your_Player","url","C:/Movies/MP4/ToTheOne1.mp4" ## Windows
RECT = position on screen for mediaplayer, rect like in Livecode: left,top,right,bottom
put the rect of grc "video placeholder" into tRect
XMediaPlayer_Set "Your_Player","rect",tRect
put 0,0,640,360 into tRect
XMediaPlayer_Set "Your_Player","rect",tRect
VISIBLE - TRUE or FALSE, Hide or show mediaplayer.
XMediaPlayer_Set "Your_Player","visible",false
## hide mediaplayer
XMediaPlayer_Set "Your_Player","visible",true
## show mediaplayer
POSITION - Set a position in video, in seconds, integer/floating point values allowed
Analog to "currenttime" for a Livecode QuickTime player object
XMediaPlayer_Set "Your_Player","position",10
## Set the TIME in movie to 10 seconds
STOPPOSITION - Set a time in movie where playback should stop in seconds, integer/floating point values allowed
Analog to "endtime" for a Livecode QuickTime player object
XMediaPlayer_Set "Your_Player","stopPosition",15
## Set the ENDTIME in movie to 15 seconds
When playback reaches the set "stopposition" the message "XMediaPlayer_Complete" (see below) will be sent!
VOLUME - Volume of video, 0 to 100
Analog to "playloudness" for a Livecode QuickTime player object
XMediaPlayer_Set "Your_Player","volume",100
## Full volume
3. Functions
General syntax for getting a property:
function XMediaPlayer_Get(PlayerName, Name_of_Property) into tMediaPlayerProperty
If a mediaplayer with that name does not exist, then the commands will be ignored!
DURATION - Duration of mediaplayer in seconds (floating point)
put XMediaPlayer_Get("Your_Player","duration") into tMovieLength
set the endvalue of sb "my video progressbar" to tMovieLength
RECT - Current position of mediaplayer overlay
put XMediaPlayer_Get("Your_Player","rect") into the_rect_I_have_set_but_forgotten
VISIBLE - TRUE or FALSE = visibility of mediaplayer overlay
put XMediaPlayer_Get("Your_Player","visible") into tVideoVisibility
POSITION - Current position in mediaplayer, in seconds (floating point)
put XMediaPlayer_Get("Your_Player","postion") into tCurrentTime
set the thumbpos of sb "my video progressbar" to tCurrentTime
PAUSED - TRUE or FALSE, if playback is currently paused or not
put XMediaPlayer_Get("Your_Player","paused") into tCurrentPlayingState
FORMATTEDSIZE - Dimensions of video in format: width in pixels COMMA height in pixels => 640,480
put XMediaPlayer_Get("Your_Player","formattedsize") into tDimensions
put item 1 of tDimensions into tVideoWidth
put item 2 of tDimensions into tVideoHeight
VOLUME - Currently set volume 0 - 100
put XMediaPlayer_Get("Your_Player","volume") into tCurretnMoviePlayLoudness
STOPPOSITION - Time in video where playback should stop.
HINT: Some demuxers always return length of video, therefore you may want to track this internally,
but I never experienced this so far.
put XMediaPlayer_Get("Your_Player","stopposition") into the_time_in_movie_i_have_set_but_forgotten
4. These are two very special functions we needed for our first project.
They will return TRUE of FALSE if the queried codec collection (LAVFILTERS rsp. FFDShow) is installed or not.
Hint: In case you didn't know there are some free codec collections for Windows which will let you play
more videoformats like MP4, FLV, XVID etc. with WMP and thus with the WMP version of the external:
XMediaPlayer_IsFilterInstalled("ffdshow") into tFFDSHOWinstalled
XMediaPlayer_IsFilterInstalled("lav") into tLAVFiltersInstalled
5. MediaPlayer messages:
XMediaPlayer_Complete PlayerName - Message is sent when the video reaches its end or the STOPTIME you have set before.
There is only ONE parameter: the name of the player that has stopped
Put this somewhere in message hierarchy.
on XMediaPlayer_Complete tPlayerName
if tPlayerName = "Your_Player" then
answer "End of transmission!"
end if
end XMediaPlayer_Complete
Messages are sent when the LEFT or RIGHT mousebutton has been clicked or the mouse is being moved inside of the mediaplayers rect .
NO parameter is being sent, so you need to check "the mouseloc" in that case!
on XMediaPlayer_LMouseUp
put the mouseloc into tML
if tML is within the rect of grc "video_placeholder" then
## mouse has been clicked in a mediaplayer
## do whatever you want to do in this case
end if
end XMediaPlayer_LMouseUp
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