Seeking advice for iPad apps

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Oct 12 23:04:17 EDT 2012

On 10/12/12 4:31 PM, Lars Brehmer wrote:

> I am starting with retina display, but there are of course a hell of
> a lot of on non-retina iPads out there. It seems that I have 2
> choices to accommodate this. I could make 2 separate apps, on for
> retina and one for non-retina or I can construct the app in such a
> way that it essentially contains both, and the stacks that are saved
> into the documents folder on first launch are determined by the iPad
> resolution. Since there are a lot of graphics items, and they are
> already big on non-retina and positively huge on retina, the
> resulting app would have a very large file size and might be slow to
> launch.

I use a third way. I create a single set of images at high resolution. 
When the app launches I determine the correct size and scale them if 
necessary in resizeStack handlers. High-res images look fine at 50% on 
iOS devices and scale well for most Android devices too.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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