Strict Compile Mode

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Fri Oct 12 13:15:12 EDT 2012

On 11/10/2012 22:21, Peter Haworth wrote:
> Thanks for the idea - it worked for me too!  Don;t worry, I won;t ask why -
> I've given up trying to figure out why LC does some things :-)
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 11:35 AM, Guglielmo Braguglia wrote:
>> this happen very often also to me ...
>> ... I don't know, but ... if you are debugging your code
>> stepping-by-stepping and you stop the execution, some time LiveCode create
>> this problem.
>> The only solution is to save the stack, close LiveCode (/is not sufficient
>> to close the stack/) and restart ... your stack is ok, your code also and
>> if you compile ... NO ERRORS!

With all the people pointing out that this issue could arise legitimately by 
use of globals, I was hesitant to stick my head up - but I also think that 
there is an actual bug that can arise, almost certainly linked to use of 
debugger, where LC gets it into its head that there are two uses of a declared 
local though there aren't - a problem that can only be fixed, as Guglielmo and 
Pete confirm, by quitting and restarting LiveCode.

Unfortunately by it's nature I don't think there can be a recipe bug - so how 
can we report this in the RQCC?


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