Cannot build a standalone application

Dr. Hawkins dochawk at
Thu Oct 11 19:27:00 EDT 2012

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 7:31 PM, Colin Holgate <coiin at> wrote:
> A small claim to fame of mine, I was the first person anywhere to be running System 7 full time. I was using it all the
>time from around Alpha 9. The System 7 team themselves were using it full time from about Alpha 11. I think it was
>around 18 months from the times I was using it until it was actually released.

I don't remember version numbering.

I switched over almost entirely at the first developer CD (or was it
still diskette?  Things get fuzzy . . . I bought my CD drive when they
started shipping on CD instead of disk  . . .) that had 7.0a on it.
I'd reboot into 6.0 for a couple of things that had it, but there were
thing like keyboard selection that had me on 7.0 from the first
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462

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