3 minutes to emulate PlayCommand agent X on (Mountain) Lion
Thierry Douez
th.douez at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 16:08:08 EDT 2012
3 minutes to emulate PlayCommand agent X on (Mountain) Lion !
Today I got the documentation of Shakobox which works
with PlayCommand Agent X. The API is quite short:
SBplay instrument,tempo,notestring
-- Plays a string of notes, formatted like the play command in HyperTalk.
-- Instrument can be a name or a number.
SBstartNote instrument,pitch,velocity
-- Starts playing a note. Instrument is a name or number. Pitch ranges
from 0 to 127
-- with 60 being middle C. Velocity ranges from 0 to 127. A velocity
of 0 will stop the
-- note (see below).
SBstopNote instrument,pitch
-- Stops a note being played by SBstartNote. Same as specifying 0 for
the velocity
-- in the above command.
In the documentation of sunnYmidi on http://sunny-tdz.com, you can find:
sunnymidi.HCplay channel, tempo, notestring
-- Plays a string of notes A la Hypercard
sunnYmidi.Play, channel, -1, velocity, pitch
-- Plays a note forever
sunnYmidi.Play, channel, 0, 0, pitch
-- Stops the note
Obviously, those 2 sets of commands are quite similar!
But with shakobox, the commands are associated with an instrument,
while with sunnYmidi they are associated with a channel.
So, another command from my documentation:
sunnYmidi.Set channel, "instrument", instrumentID
With this in mind, I write the 3 shakobox handlers like this:
on SBplay instrument, _tempo, notestring
sunnYmidi.Set 1, "instrument", instrumentID( instrument)
sunnymidi.HCplay 1, _tempo, notestring
end SBplay
on SBstartNote instrument, pitch, velocity
sunnYmidi.Set 1, "instrument", instrumentID( instrument)
sunnYmidi.Play, 1, -1, velocity, pitch
end SBstartNote
on SBstopNote instrument,pitch
sunnYmidi.Set 1, "instrument", instrumentID( instrument)
sunnYmidi.Play, 1, 0, 0, pitch
end SBstopNote
And to finish, I have to code this function:
private function instrumentID instrument
-- assuming the ID is correct
if instrument is a number then return instrument
-- custom prop containing on each line: IDinstrument,InstrumentName
get the GM_Instruments of this stack
filter IT with "*," & instrument
if IT is empty then return 1 -- piano
return item 1 of IT -- the ID
end instrumentID
I put all the scripts mentioned above in a new stack script
and set the externals property of this stack.
Then, I create a button and copy-paste the following script from the
Shakobox documentation:
on mouseup
-- "Nic's Russian Tune (Katyushka)" from "Knit Your Own Yoghurt"
put "e4q. f#4e g4q. e4e gq f#e ee f#q b3q f#q. ge aq. f#e aq ge f#e
eq rq " & \
"b4q e5q d5q e5e d5e c5q b4e a4e b4q e4q c5q. a4e b4q. g4e a4q g4e
f#4e e4h " & \
"g4q. a4e b4q. g4e b4q a4e g4e f#4q a4q a4q. b4e c5q. b4e c5q b4e
a4e g4q rq " & \
"e5q g5q b4q b4e d5e e5q d5e c5e e5q b4q e5q. c5e e4q. b4e d#5q
e5e f#5e e5h" \
into theSong
sbplay 24,125,theSong
end mouseup
I save my stack, close and open it, click the button and ....
It works !
And all that in only 3 minutes !
It shows that Livecode is a powerful tool to code fast
which is also true for sunnYmidi !
This stack will be available on my site in a couple of days.
Happy coding,
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