SUggestion for improved LiveCode scripting notation

Bob Sneidar bobs at
Fri Oct 5 13:08:10 EDT 2012

I group them. I use GLX2, which has a feature that allows you to create categories of commands and functions by entering --> and some text in the script of an object. Everything that comes after that and before the next declaration gets grouped into it's own "folder" in the left pane. I believe Remo also has this feature. 


On Oct 5, 2012, at 9:50 AM, Mike Bonner wrote:

> While not the same thing as you are talking about, when I write scripts I
> use the "on" form for lc commands and handlers and any that are created
> soley by me I use the "command" form.  This way it only takes a glance to
> know which are mine and which are built in.

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