Bug or just something you can't do ?

Graham Samuel livfoss at mac.com
Mon Oct 1 15:12:17 EDT 2012

I never thought I'd see the word 'thunk' again. A coinage of Donald Knuth, I fancy… well, what a blast from the past! 


(who, when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, completed and supported an Algol compiler)

On Mon, 01 Oct 2012 11:49:14 +0100, Alex Tweedly <alex at tweedly.net> wrote:

> Thanks Mark - that's a great solution for a one-liner, or even for a 2- 
> or 3- liner, but not practical for a real=life, multi-line handler.
> (And as a purist I'd mention that it implements call-by-name not 
> call-by-reference, to the sound of Algol reference papers 'thunk'ing 
> onto my desk :-)

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