Where Do You Save User Prefs?

Igor de Oliveira Couto igor at superstudent.net
Sun May 27 04:08:52 EDT 2012

Re-reading the answers here and the information in the dictionary for the 'specialFolderPath' - and after some more Googling - I have gathered the following info, which may or may not be correct:

1) MacOS X
Prefs Location: specialFolderPath("Home") & "/Library/Application Support/MyApp/" 
Prefs Name: anything you wish

2) Windows
Prefs Location: specialFolderPath("0x001a") & "/MyApp/"
Prefs Name: anything you wish

3) Linux
Prefs Location: there does not seem to be a 'standard', but several programs seem to take the approach of creating a hidden folder in the user's home directory - specialFolderPath("Home") & "/.myapp/"
Prefs Name: anything you wish

4) iOS
Prefs Location: specialFolderPath("library") & "/MyAppBundleID/" - Apple requires you to use the application's bundle id
Prefs Name: anything you wish

5) Android
Prefs Location: ???
Prefs Name: ???

If anybody could confirm/correct the information above, I would be most grateful.

Kind regards to all,

Igor Couto
Sydney, Australia

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