[OT] Apple Rant

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Sat May 26 01:54:40 EDT 2012

On 05/26/2012 07:45 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:
> Having a great Friday evening thanks to Apple.
> Still in the throes of dealing with Apple Store submission for my app.  TO
> register it, I have to upload at least one screenshot (why?).  No problem,
> I have several created with the OS X ability to take screen shots and save
> them on disk, used them for my web site.  Unfortunately, they're not
> acceptable for upload to the Apple store according to the error message I
> got - either wrong format, wrong resolution or wrong color scheme.  So
> apparently screen shots made with Apples's own OS are not acceptable to the
> Apple Store.
> So I give up on that and think, OK, let's watch a movie through my new
> AppleTV box.  Already watched several NetFlix movies with no problem.
>   Ordered a movie.  After I've paid for it, I'm told a) it's only available
> to watch for 24 hours, and b) it's gonna take nearly 6 hours to download.
>   Leaving town tomorrow so no way I can watch this movie. How come NetFlix
> can automatically adjust their download resolution to my Internet
> connection speed but Apple can't?
> Tried adjusting the AppleTV settings to a lower resolution - doesn''t
> affect downloads already in progress and no way to cancel the download.
>   Look for a phone number to cancel the order.  No phone number available.
> Go to iTunes Store support on the web.  Everything is at snail's pace
> because the movie download is taking over all my bandwidth.  Unplug the
> AppleTV box.
> Select "Express Lane" support, then AppleTV.  Get a web page headed Problem
> Description with no enterable fields (this is using Safari, Apple's own web
> browser).  Click the link for Exprsss Lane Support and get a web page that
> lets me actually enter something;... you don't want to see what I had to
> say.
> Next week - gotta deal with sandboxing, Apple's answer to a problem that
> hardly exists on Macs.  And I'm willing to fork over 30% of whatever sales
> I make on the Apple Store for what?
> Time for a goodnight glass of single mat Scotch - Glenfaclas 105, you can't
> beat it

If you can afford that sort of whisky then your problems selling your 
software cannot be that bad!

> Pete
> lcSQL Software <http://www.lcsql.com>
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