what should be done with MobGUI?

Colin Holgate coiin at verizon.net
Fri May 25 14:24:51 EDT 2012

I see where I was going wrong now. I misread Andre as Andreas! I was trying to get Andreas to suggest which of the pages would be the right one to shorten the url of, using his url shortening tool. Only it was Andre's url shortener and not Andreas'!

If I do add iPhoneControlKit to the appendix, I may just go with the IP version url. Come the day that it fails, readers can use Google to track down the new IP address.

Thanks for the help.

On May 25, 2012, at 1:54 PM, Andre Garzia <andre at andregarzia.com> wrote:

> Just paste the long URL there, click shorten and you have a short url.
> If you want to host your own, my fon.nu is open source and you could buy a
> nice short domain for your book and use it, this way you'd be in more
> control.

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