lcTaskList Performance

Peter M. Brigham, MD pmbrig at
Fri May 25 10:45:09 EDT 2012

On May 25, 2012, at 12:14 AM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

> Peter,
> So you have over 140,000 objects to search through and it does that in 20 seconds? How long does it take the LiveCode Find and Replace function to search all of that? Searching through all those objects in 20 seconds might not be all that bad considering that LiveCode does't handle lots of cards in a stack that well.
> The progress indicator advances with each open stack. Try opening 5 small stacks with your big stack in the middle of the order. How does the progress indicator advance? I would assume it will be still while it searches through your big stack and advances quickly before and after.

The LC find & replace panel takes about 7-8 seconds to search, and its progress bar runs fairly smoothly from left to right. Your plugin takes longer, and the progress bar hangs at about 15% for the bulk of that time, then speeds rapidly to the end in the last 2 seconds.

> I would suggest turning off the automatic reindexing in the preferences and just click the index button manually to time it.

Yes, I'll do that.

> Do you have a splash screen to run your program or do you run it in the IDE when using it?

IDE. I kept meaning to turn it into a standalone but never got there.

> It sounds like you have a terrifically useful program that you wrote. Sorry to hear it will be obsolete for you soon.

Thanks for the sympathy.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at

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