can someone please try this test...

Tim Jones tolistim at
Wed May 23 13:01:42 EDT 2012

On May 23, 2012, at 9:54 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

> So this came up on another blog recently, where someone posted a youtube of when Pixar *accidentally* deleted Toy Story 2 from their computers by typing in the command to delete all files on the hard drive. 
> Correct me if I am wrong, but don't you have to be an administrator, and don't you have to sudo that command? 

That's why most Unix systems ship with an alias for root that aliases rm="rm -i" so that any rm attempt by root will prompt for verification.

If you'd like to save yourself from this potential megafail, do this:

edit ~/.bash_profile

add this line somewhere in the file:

	alias rm="rm -i"

Save the file and then quit Terminal.  When you go back into a Terminal session, that will be set for you automatically.  You may need to do this for root's environment as well. If you have multiple accounts logging into your system, you can make this systemwide by adding it to the /etc/profile file (must sudo to edit).


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