insertion point glitch

Igor de Oliveira Couto igor at
Mon May 21 01:53:40 EDT 2012

Dear Tim,

I have experienced something similar - don't know if it's the same thing as you:

On 21/05/2012, at 2:28 PM, Timothy Miller wrote:


> I have noticed that when a field is unresponsive to data entry, it is also unresponsive to tabkey and returnkey (tab on return is set to true). Autohilite is true. List behavior is false. Traversalon and showFocusBorder are true. sharedText is false. The fields in question have no scripts.
> Is this a known problem? Is there something I can to do make it stop? Lacking that, troubleshooting suggestions would be appreciated.

I use MacOS X, on a MacBook Pro with a trackpad. My trackpad is set to accept clicks via 'taps', and also to accept contextual-menu clicks (control+click) as two-fingered taps. Because of that setting, I've noticed in LiveCode that when I am typing something extensive, sometimes a stray thumb or lazy hand will accidentally touch the trackpad, and trigger the 'control-click', leaving the field unresponsive. The first time this happened, it left me quite puzzled, as nothing seemed to respond: pressing tabs, returns, etc, would yield no result. I had to 'click out' somewhere, and the click back on the field. 

Switching that setting in System Preferences seemed to fix this. I, however, do like to have my two-fingered clicks, so I just put up with having to click-out-and-in every now and then...

As I said, this may have nothing to do with your issue, but it just sounded similar...

Kind regards,

Igor Couto
Sydney, Australia

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