I want to be a flasher.

Kay C Lan lan.kc.macmail at gmail.com
Thu May 17 09:03:00 EDT 2012

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 12:23 PM, Richmond <richmondmathewson at gmail.com>wrote:

> That is all very well and good; but I am looking for a flash when I stay
> on the same card.
> Then, assuming you are talking about staying on card 1

on mouseUp
  visual effect dissolve very fast inverse
  go to card 1
end mouseUp

Or, if you like the white square effect of your png solution:

on mouseUp
  visual effect dissolve to white very fast
  go to card 1
end mouseUp

Or, if you want something weird;

on mouseUp
   visual effect iris open to white very slow
   visual effect checkerboard to black slow
   visual effect iris close to card fast
   visual effect dissolve to inverse very fast
  -- add as many visual effects as you want
  go to card 1
end mouseUp

What I do notice is that the Dictionary isn't quite correct. It says that
if you want to stay on the same card that you should use 'lock screen' and
'unlock screen with visual effect' combination of statements but that
doesn't work for me. If I'm on Card 1 and use go to card 1, the visual
effect will occur.


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