send command hiccups?

Alex Tweedly alex at
Thu May 17 05:11:26 EDT 2012

No really good ideas, but a couple of tings you might try

1. log the actual time when you do the 'send' and when you are 
re-awakened and see if there is anything to be seen in the way of a pattern

> on dingDing
>     if the cpFlag of me is false then exit dingDing
         put "about to play" && the long seconds & CR after field "timeLog"
>     play "ding" -- an au file, length of 0.089 seconds
>     put field "sendWait" into tSendWaittime_ding
>     if tSendWaittime_ding<= 0 then put 90 into tSendWaittime_ding
         put "ready to send" && the long seconds & CR after field "timeLog"
>     send "dingDing" to me in tSendWaittime_ding milliseconds
> end dingDing

2. do NOTHING else in dingding !

on dingDing
    if the cpFlag of me is false then exit dingDing
    send reallyding to me in 0 milliseconds
    send "dingDing" to me in cpWaittime_ding milliseconds   !! NB custom prop
end dingDing

on reallyding
   play "ding" -- an au file, length of 0.089 seconds
   put field "sendWait" into cpWaittime_ding
   if cpWaittime_ding <= 0 then put 90 into cpWaittime_ding
end reallyDing

-- Alex.

On 17/05/2012 07:28, Nicolas Cueto wrote:
> Hello All,
> For a spinning wheel-of-fortune effect, I want a "ding" sound to
> repeat at even intervals. And I'd like those intervals to be as short
> as audibly possible without the sound file being too cut-off.
> Using the script below, the "play 'ding'" audibly cycles at an even
> metre a few times, but, after the nth time, there's a very brief but
> clearly perceivable pause or hiccup. When that "nth" time happens
> depends on the wait time of the "send" command, but it's about every
> 6th to 11th cycle.
> I've tried playing with the send time, as well as editing the original
> sound file to be as audibly brief as possible.  In fact, I've been
> attacking this "hiccup" problem on-and-off over the years. One
> "solution" I've tried is to string the dings into a new sound file and
> use a player object to play it. But, at some point, when that spinning
> wheel starts visually slowing down, I just don't see any way of
> getting around the problem that I must rely on a delaying send-in-time
> command to make the wheel also sound like it's slowing down.
> Thank you in advance.  -- Nicolas Cueto
> on mouseUp
>     set the cpFlag of me to not the cpFlag of me
>     switch the cpFlag of me
>        case "true"
>           set the label of me to "S T O P"
>           send "dingDing" to me in 0 milliseconds
>           break
>        case "false"
>           set the label of me to "D I N G"
>           break
>     end switch
> end mouseUp
> on dingDing
>     if the cpFlag of me is false then exit dingDing
>     play "ding" -- an au file, length of 0.089 seconds
>     put field "sendWait" into tSendWaittime_ding
>     if tSendWaittime_ding<= 0 then put 90 into tSendWaittime_ding
>     send "dingDing" to me in tSendWaittime_ding milliseconds
> end dingDing
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