Re: How do I…

Bob Sneidar bobs at
Tue May 15 12:09:48 EDT 2012

This is what I did. It's for a datagrid but you can modify it for your purposes. It does not go by the second character, but instead waits a certain time (.75 seconds) with messages each time a key is pressed. If no key is pressed during that time it executes the filter handler. 

local lSavedData, lSavedID

--> all handlers

ON rawKeyUp
   IF the text of me is not empty THEN
      show button "btnCloseFind"
      put the ticks into theLastTime
      wait .75 seconds WITH messages
      put empty into gStartTime
      hide button "btnCloseFind"
      IF lSavedData is an array THEN 
         set the dgData of group "dgTableData" to lSavedData
         put empty into lSavedData
      END IF
      exit to top
   pass rawKeyUp
END rawKeyUp

ON filterDataGrid
    -- Get the value
    put the text of me into theValue
    -- save the selection
    put the dgHilitedIndex of group "dgTableData" into theIndex
    put the dgDataOfIndex[theIndex] of group "dgTableData" into theRowA
    put theRowA["uniqueid"] into lSavedID
    -- Save the datagrid data
    IF not (lSavedData is an array) THEN
        put the dgData of group "dgTableData" into theDataA
        put theDataA into lSavedData
        put lSavedData into theDataA
    END IF
    -- convert the datagrid array to key text
    put altPrintKeys(theDataA) into theText
    -- filter the data
    filter theText WITH tab & "*" & tab & theValue & "*"
    -- convert the text back to an array
    put altKeysToArray(theText) into theDataA
    set the dgData of group "dgTableData" to theDataA
    dispatch "selectionChanged" to group "dgTableData"
    -- set the dgFocus of group "dgTableData" to true
END filterDataGrid

ON restoreDataGrid
    put empty into field "FindBar"
    set the dgData of group "dgTableData" to lSavedData
    set the dgFocus of group "dgTableData" to true
    put empty into lSavedData
    put empty into lSavedID
END restoreDataGrid

ON hiliteRecord
    dispatch findIndex to group "dgTableData" WITH "uniqueid", lSavedID
    put the result into theFoundIndex
    IF theFoundIndex = 0 THEN
         set the dgHilitedLine of group "dgTableData" to 1
         set the dgHilitedIndex of group "dgTableData" to theFoundIndex
    END IF
END hiliteRecord


On May 15, 2012, at 8:50 AM, Dan Friedman wrote:

> I could use a little help...  Say you have a search field.  In the script of that field you use the rawKeyUp message to search for whatever it is they typed (search your database, compile a list and display it neatly in a list).  How would you structure this so that when they typed a second character in the search field, the executing rawKeyUp will halt and start over using the updated search string?
> Thanks in advance!
> -Dan
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