When is the CONTROL key not a control key?

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Sun May 13 04:27:26 EDT 2012

On 05/13/2012 06:25 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 5/12/12 9:36 AM, Richmond wrote:
>> So; reading the LC documentation (for the first time in ages) I
>> discovered that ctrlKey() returns the state
>> of the Control key on non-Mac computers (such as those running Windows
>> and Linux), but the state
>> of the Command key on Macs.
>> Jolly nice.
>> How do I find out the state of the key marked 'ctrl' on my Mac keyboard
>> that is connected to a Mac?
> The engine maps the keys:
> Key            Mac           Win/Linux
> commandkey     command        control
> controlKey     control        control
> optionKey      option         alt
> So on a Mac, "controlKey" or "control" gives what you want. On Windows 
> and Linux, commandKey and controlKey are synonyms.

Thanks for that.

Now, connected to my latest Linux box (for some odd reason) I have a key 
with a Windozy sort of icon on it between the CTRL
and the ALT keys. Is there any way for Livecode to access this in 
Windows, at least?

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