Ma Menus

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat May 12 23:03:15 EDT 2012

On 5/12/12 8:22 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
> I'm trying to deal with disabling the Edit menu while leaving the
> Preferences item on it enabled, when running on a Mac.
> I disable the "Edit" menu, then enable the "Preferences" item in the Edit
> button of the menu bar group I created with the Menu Builder, but no matter
> what I do, the Preferences item stays disabled.
> I suspect this has something to do with how LC deals with the Preferences
> item on Macs, moving it off the Edit menu button and onto the Application
> menu.

It's more how LiveCode deals with menus. If you disable the whole menu, 
then all its items are also disabled.

> I'm thinking I have to disable each Edit menu item individually, except
> Preferences, to do this but wondering if there's some other way.

I don't know any other way. You can do it in a repeat loop though. Loop 
through all the lines and as soon as you hit a line containing 
"Preferences", bail out.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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