SQLite odd behavior

william humphrey bill at bluewatermaritime.com
Fri May 11 15:29:41 EDT 2012

I think it in a MacOS file behavior thing. The time I had the 3 month
roll-back I noticed that another unrelated file in the same folder was
missing. I looked for it all sorts of ways including with terminal. The
next time I re-started the computer it returned.  This is not the sort of
behavior I've ever seen from any computer and it is why I suspected
everything and moved on. I still get the weird SQLite behavior on that
computer (I started anew on a new computer) but never a repeat of the
missing file. I showed this to an IT professional friend and he is also
flummoxed. I mean the three month roll-back in something you'd see with
versioning which is not present in that system.

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