SQLite/LiveCode Issues

Peter Haworth pete at lcsql.com
Thu May 10 18:30:18 EDT 2012

If you don't use some of the more advanced features of SQLite, this email
probably won't be of interest.

The SQLite library included with Livecode up to 5.0 is 3.7.4.  It dates
from about 1 1/2 years ago and there have been 7 major releases of the
library since then including several enhancements and performance

The library includes support for two of the three components of the SQLite
Full Text Search extension, fts3 and fts4, but not ftsaux.  The rtree
extension is included in the library but is not available because it has to
be enabled at compile time.

SQLite include a load_extension function that provides the capability of
loading extensions from an external library.  That extension is not exposed
to Livecode.

The sqlite3_progress_handler function is not exposed to LC.  This function
gives the ability to specify a callback handler which gets invoked at
regular intervals during long running sqlite3 tasks, thus making it
possible to update a record count, progress bar, etc, or even allow the
user to abort the process.

I have entered QCC Report # 10207 requesting that these issues be addressed
by including a more recent version of the SQLite library with Livecode and
also making the functions mentioned above available to us.


lcSQL Software <http://www.lcsql.com>

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