array mystery

Bob Sneidar bobs at
Thu May 10 12:02:33 EDT 2012

Have you tried to use printKeys() to convert the array to a string to view the array contents? Maybe you could set the clipboarddata["rtftext"] to printkeys(myArray) and then paste the text into a text editor? You could make the array a global so you can see what it contains after the script finishes executing as well. 


On May 10, 2012, at 6:27 AM, Peter M. Brigham, MD wrote:

> Well, I've given up for the moment. Weeding out null characters made no difference, and arrayEncoding/decoding made no difference, and putting the text string into a field and getting the text of the field made no difference, so it wasn't the cross-platform line delimiter issue, as I had thought. I still don't know what the problem is. The debugger shows the correct array contents, but getting the array content from a script returns empty. I'm going to use a different page-scraping approach entirely when I can stand to go back to it -- that will be a bigger job.

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