lock screen and visual effect advice needed

Phil Jimmieson phil at liverpool.ac.uk
Thu May 10 04:59:26 EDT 2012

Hi folks,
My big LiveCode project is due for an update. I haven't touched it since LiveCode 4.6.4, and now I'm using 5.0.2 and things aren't working as they did. Its the change to the visual effect mechanism that's causing me grief. I have a set of images of people in the top half of the window, and I want to replace that set of people with a different one. In 4.6.4 I could just

set lockscreen to true
--draw the new set of people into the same rect as the old ones, while the screen is locked
show object with push down --the object occupies the same rect as the set of people

That had the desired effect - the new set of people slid down the screen, appearing to push the original set off.

(here's a small movie showing the effect in 4.6.4:  http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~phil/LCVFXDemo.mov  )

In 5.0.2, using the same code, the new set just replaces the old (as though I'd just locked, then unlocked the screen without a visual effect). I tried using:

lock screen for visual effect
--draw the new set of people into the same rect as the old ones, while the screen is locked
show object with push down --the object occupies the same rect as the set of people

But it does exactly the same thing. I've also tried unlocking the screen just before the "show object" call, but of course you see a brief flash of the new set where the old ones were, then a different image of the new set slides down over it like it used to do in 4.6.4.

Anyone got any idea how to make this work? Is there a way to mix "lock screen" with "show" that works correctly? I've got this sort of animation all over in this app, and this change to the way lockscreen works completely messes all that up.

Phil Jimmieson  phil at liverpool.ac.uk  (UK) 0151 795 4236  (Mobile) 07976 983164
Computer Science Dept., Liverpool University, Ashton Building, Ashton Street
Liverpool L69 3BX              http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~phil/
I used to sit on a special medical board... ...but now I use this ointment.

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