PayPal IPN & LC - and Beef Stew (OT)

Marian Petrides, M.D. mpetrides at
Thu May 3 14:07:00 EDT 2012

Do you really think a mere recipe is enough? After looking at the photo, it seems we should hold out for a sample of the real thing. ;-)  <just kidding, of course>

On May 3, 2012, at 12:49 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> I've set up a test page with my working PayPal button and LiveCode CGI script. I'm hoping some of you will help me test it. I'd especially like at least one non-US person to try it, because I want to know how the currency conversion works.
> PayPal suggests we check the amount paid to make sure we aren't being cheated. I'm not sure if the data I receive is always in USD or if it is in the native currency of the buyer. If I could get a few non-US people to try it, I can look at the data and find out. I've disabled that particular check for now so that it won't error.
> This test will cost you five cents, but you get something for your trouble. Full info here:
> I don't need a whole lot of testers, but the stew really is pretty good. :)
> If things don't work right, either write to me or post here. If they do work right, I'll post the entire working script and instructions. You've all helped me so much, I owe you.
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |
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