PayPal IPN & LC - and Beef Stew

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu May 3 13:49:25 EDT 2012

I've set up a test page with my working PayPal button and LiveCode CGI 
script. I'm hoping some of you will help me test it. I'd especially like 
at least one non-US person to try it, because I want to know how the 
currency conversion works.

PayPal suggests we check the amount paid to make sure we aren't being 
cheated. I'm not sure if the data I receive is always in USD or if it is 
in the native currency of the buyer. If I could get a few non-US people 
to try it, I can look at the data and find out. I've disabled that 
particular check for now so that it won't error.

This test will cost you five cents, but you get something for your 
trouble. Full info here:

I don't need a whole lot of testers, but the stew really is pretty good. :)

If things don't work right, either write to me or post here. If they do 
work right, I'll post the entire working script and instructions. You've 
all helped me so much, I owe you.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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