PayPal IPN & LC

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed May 2 17:18:11 EDT 2012

On 5/2/12 12:56 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
> Congrats on working through all this.
> Slightly off topic but related.  I assume you're doing this to send out
> license codes or something similar.

Right, I'm trying to automate AirLaunch sales from my web site. Zygodact 
makes the serial keys and I've finally got it working with the PayPal 
"Buy Now" button I think.

> At the time I was using the Mac Mail client and it lets you define rules
> for identifying and processing incoming messages, including the ability to
> run an Applescript.  I was able to cobble together an Applescript that
> tracked down the mp3 file(s) that had been purchsed (using the PayPal
> product codes) and send an automated reply to the purchaser with download
> link(s) to them.

What a good idea. It would come in handy for the LiveCode market place 
sales, because those can't be automated with my registration system. I 
still have to process those orders manually.

I don't use Apple Mail though. It would be great if Thunderbird could 
automate a response. I wonder...

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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