Is there a way to get an "exitGroup" behavior when someone clicks a non-group field

Dr. Hawkins dochawk at
Tue Jun 26 11:54:10 EDT 2012

I have a group that pops up under certain circumstances to gather more
fields and merge them for the target field.

I have it's termination behavior working correctly--when it terminates

The problem is that I can click into a field outside the group without
triggering it, at which point it could keep values that could
"contaminate" another groupl.

Do I need to watch for mouseDown for any other target, or some such?
Check for the new focuse somehow on both exitFIeld and CloseField?

It seems that there *should* be an exitGroup or exitGroupFields type event

Or something like "if the focusedObject is not a member of this group
then . . ." type construct

The Hawkins Law Firm
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462
HawkinsLawFirm at
3025 S. Maryland Parkway
Suite A
Las Vegas, NV  89109

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