AW: can the httpproxy setting include a username and password

Tiemo Hollmann TB toolbook at
Mon Jun 25 07:17:12 EDT 2012

> Thanks Tiemo - so something like...
> set the httpHeaders to "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ="
> yeah?

Yes looks like

> Will this have the same effect as setting the web proxy (and supplying a
> username and password) in the proxies tab of the Network preferences panel
> on a Mac?

I don't know what effects else the proxy settings on a mac do have, but with
this settings I get with LC thru a proxy with authentication. And LC doesn't
cathches the proxy settings from the machine (at least not on windows), so
you HAVE to set the proxy settings by yourself in LC - as far as I know...


> Regards,
> Terry...

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