Linux: answer file always shows hidden files?

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Thu Jun 21 12:55:00 EDT 2012

Richard Gaskin <ambassador at ...> writes:

> It seems that LiveCode's "answer file" command on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04) 
> always shows hidden files, regardless of whether I have that setting 
> turned on in the file manager.

The "file manager" is an application. Changing its preferences shouldn't change
the behavior of linux itself.

> Is there some secret param I can use to turn that off?

put the files into tFiles
filter tFiles without ".*"

then put tFiles into a custom Answer File dialog

> If not, I'll file a bug report.

I don't think this qualifies as a bug. It doesn't seem that any application
should rely on the preferences of a different application.

 Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

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