How to open an XML file within an OSX bundle?

Colin Holgate coiin at
Wed Jun 20 09:12:13 EDT 2012

My example stack was saved in Applications, and the relative path did previously work. But, it isn't working now!

So, this works:

on mouseUp
   answer file""
   put URL ("binfile:"&it&"/Contents/info.plist") into field 1
end mouseUp

So does this:

on mouseUp
   answer file""
   put "binfile:"&it&"/Contents/info.plist" into t
   put URL t into field 1
end mouseUp

Perhaps it's just the parentheses that are needed?

On Jun 20, 2012, at 9:00 AM, Klaus on-rev <klaus at> wrote:

> >You need the "/Applications/" in front of the pathname!

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