jumping among Mainstack and substacks isn't easy

Mark Rauterkus mark.rauterkus at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 16:36:53 EDT 2012


Yep. LC just went strict with me.

Errors such as:
stack "Kids": compilation error at line 4 (Expression: unquoted
literal), char 46

For the past week or two I've been FINE without these issues. Seemed
as if LC didn't care. Now I've gone back throughout the code looking
at the colors of the words in the scrips.

Even asking me to name temp vars in handlers.

This works:

on mouseUp
   go to card "Roberto Clemente" of stack "Kids"
end mouseUp

But, this does not:

on mouseUp vTempC
   go to card vTempC of stack "Kids"
end mouseUp

Then end game is like this, but it is breaks for me, despite the var
being accurate in the debugger when the mouse hovers.

put "Present on" && the short english date & return after field
"Attendance" of card vTempC of stack "Kids"

full script puts the quotes around the proper card name. All cards in
the stack are in two words as in "Donald Duck".

on mouseUp vTempC
   -- make var empty but also start it with a quote
   put "" into vTempC
   put quote into vTempC

   --works but there are spaces after the second word
   get word 1 of field "Filtered_Results"
   put it after vTempC
   put space after vTempC
   get word 2 of field "Filtered_Results"
   put it after vTempC
   put quote after vTempC

   -- put vTempC into msg box

   --desire only 2 words for one person.
   -- get the number of words of vTempC
   -- put it into msg box

   -- showing up as 1, not 2 as expected?

   -- if the number of words in tFiltered_Results is two
   -- then
   -- doAttendance
   -- set lockscreen to true
   -- find the card
   -- go to stack "Kids"
   -- go to card vTempC of stack "Kids"
   -- Put this into the field Attendence

   -- MR not good with the date and time yet
   put "Present on" && the short english date & return after field
"Attendance" of card vTempC of stack "Kids"
   --   touchAttendence -- a card script

   --exit or make multiple entries for doAttendance
   -- else
   -- if the number of words in tFiltered_Results is one then beep
   -- if the number of words in tFiltered_Results > 2 then beep 2
   -- if tFiltered_Results is empty then beep 3
   --end if
end mouseUp


Mark Rauterkus       Mark.Rauterkus at gmail.com
PPS Summer Dreamers' Swim and Water Polo Camp Head Coach with
Neighborhood Learning Alliance

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