how to get rid of "icon" added in a repertory by Lion
Mark Schonewille
m.schonewille at
Mon Jun 18 06:49:22 EDT 2012
Hi André,
But then it is easy, right?
if line x of tList is ("Icon" & numToChar(13)) then...
Apple probably decided to add this character to avoid confusion with other files with the same name. Of course, it is not smart of Apple, because any developer might very well do the same as Apple.
I can't find these files when checking my Lion drive from withint Snow Leopard. Does the folder actually have a visible icon other than the default icon?
Best regards,
Mark Schonewille
Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553
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On 18 jun 2012, at 11:54, André Bisseret wrote:
> Bonjour,
> I am on Mac OS 10.6.8
> In a stack I am getting a list of names from a directory with
> set the directory to "nameOfsuchFolder"
> put the files into tList
> in tList I must delete a file ".DS_Store" , no problem
> My friend for whom I am maintaining the app. bought a new Mac with Lion.
> Now, with Lion, a new intruder is systematically appearing in tList : one line whose value is "Icon"
> I can't delete it ;-((
> In a repeat
> if line x of tList is "Icon" then delete line x of tList -- DOES NOT WORK!
> When I put tList in a field
> In the message box
> find "Icon" in field "fldName"; put the foundLine returns "line 281 of field 1"
> But :
> put line 281 of field 1 is "Icon" returns "false"!!!!
> Assuming a mysterious hidden character,
> I asked for the number of chars of line 281 of field 1 : returned 5!!
> If I put chartoNum(last char of line 281 of fld 1), I got 13
> so could be carriage return?
> But, I don't get 13 for the last char of any other line in the field!
> Well I am clearly missing something!
> Any help much appreciated
> Best regards from Grenoble
> André
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