[ANN] Test Flight and direct to iOS device plugin added to mergExt

Monte Goulding monte at sweattechnologies.com
Sun Jul 29 06:38:11 EDT 2012

Hi LiveCoders

I thought I'd spend this rainy Sunday polishing off a handy little iOS app testing plugin (mergTestApp). If you do frequent cycles of rebuild and deploy to your own device then you will love the Fruit Strap button. This button does one click app build and install direct onto any connected devices. If you use Test Flight (if you don't you should) then you will love the Test Flight button. Click it then go grab a coffee while your app is built, the ipa file created and it's uploaded to Test Flight.

Find out more at: http://mergext.com/plugins/mergtestapp/

Individually the components of mergExt Complete are now valued at a whopping $415. Who knows what it will be valued at by the end of the year of access to updates you can purchase for only $149!


M E R Goulding 
Software development services
Bespoke application development for vertical markets

mergExt - There's an external for that!

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