finding the name of the target's stack in a script
Dr. Hawkins
dochawk at
Tue Jul 24 11:33:52 EDT 2012
I have a handler that needs to handle an event differently depending
upon which substack the button calling it is on.
I don't see a direct way of referencing the calling stack.
There is the topStack() function, which would *seem* to necessarily
return the relevant stack, but something makes me nervous about that.
And then there is choosing word 8 of the long name of the object, but
that seems downright reckless . . .
Is tehre a "clean" way to do this?
The Hawkins Law Firm
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462
HawkinsLawFirm at
3025 S. Maryland Parkway
Suite A
Las Vegas, NV 89109
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