"Enlargement supplement Free trials" : from my wonderful Spam Filter

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 15:35:07 EDT 2012

Subject line: "Watch it grow bigger".

This seems a marvellous idea:

RunRev release a Free cut-down version of RR/LC 2.0.1

and then have a series of graduated upgrades that can allow one to 
'enlarge' and 'grow bigger'
until one has the full-blown version of the latest recension of Livecode.

Why not have a modular plan (rather like the current model where 
customers can add standalone building capabilities for a multitude of 
platforms), so customers can buy the "bits" they need and not the "bits" 
they don't ?

Oddly enough that e-mail didn't seem to be from anybody connected with 
Runtime Revolution
Livecode and was in the Spam Box of my 'other' e-mail account. 
Notwithstanding that, I will be eternally grateful to those people with 
funny names such as "Enlargement Supplement" (obviously they had parents 
with a warped sense of humour) for continuing to inspire me as to the 
future of an educatiuonal version of RR/LC.

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