For crying out loud: messages on create card.

Chipp Walters chipp at
Mon Jul 23 00:39:46 EDT 2012

Try it in a standalone. Don't forget neither SuperCard's nor HC's IDE was
written using their language. There's overhead in the IDE which doesn't
exist in standalones.

Use multiple break points and 'run' from one to the next (instead of step
in/over) if you're having problems with the debugger. It helps...

On Sunday, July 22, 2012, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

> Ivelong figured ther was a bottleneck, especially after learning about
> locking messages while deleting cards.
> But for crying out loud . . .
> Single stepping,and getting frustrated with the debugger.

Chipp Walters
CEO, Altuit, Inc.

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