Inserting images into a text field

Peter Haworth pete at
Sun Jul 15 13:19:08 EDT 2012

I have a text file and using "set the imagesource of char 1 of line x of me
to 1234" to insert a different image at the start of each line depending on
the data in the line.  The image is displayed just fine but I'm having a
hard time getting it to line up vertically with the text in the line.  I'd
like it to be aligned with the bottom of the text line but it's higher than

I've tried various combinations of font size and text height but none of
them seem to make any difference.  Also tried different margin setting but
realised they apply to the field as a whole not individual lines.

The images in question are 16x16 and the text height is 16 right now also.
 Any suggestions on how to do this?

lcSQL Software <>

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