Phidgets and externals

Mike Bonner bonnmike at
Wed Jul 11 18:21:11 EDT 2012

Here is a very simple stack that talks to the arduino.

Here is the sketch I used to make sure the stack is working.

Not pretty but works ok.

Connect button connects (yes, i'm captain obvious)

Upper field is for sending, enter or return will send or you can click the
button to send if you prefer.

The arduino will read each char and return a line of output such as "you
typed char " one of the chars you sent.

If you're interested, i've been working on a simple turret system that uses
the motor shield to control a couple of linear actuators. I can share that
stack and sketch too if you'd like. Let me know.  (linear actuators with
position reading pots can be had at  They also have some set
up to behave as servos but I went the cheaper direction) There is some
really cool stuff out there!\

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