Raspberry PI

Ken Corey ken at kencorey.com
Mon Jul 9 13:24:19 EDT 2012


You /would/ have to bring reality into it.  I *hate* it when people do that.

I've been a School Governor here in the UK. I'm not a teacher, and never 
tried to be one, but if I'd have wanted to be a teach that little 
glimpse would most assuredly have put me off.

Things are most decidedly exactly like that here.

My dream in a bubble bursts.



On 09/07/2012 17:56, Richmond wrote:
> At the Mathematical High School here in Plovdiv they recently decided to
> change the programming environment from one to another because the
> headmaster had a friend who needed a job and he happened to be
> reasonably competent at the "new" programming and not in the "old" one.
> Now, don't all jump and tell me that "that's Bulgaria, and things are
> different in our country" because
> that is disingenuous. OK, things may be "different" but they are just as
> subjective, and very rarely have
> any real education rhyme or reason to them.

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