Trying to install Metacard 2.4 on Linux

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Mon Jul 9 10:53:50 EDT 2012

Richmond wrote:

> Continuing my search for PDF via EPS import........................
> Went here:

Like any IDE for LiveCode, the MetaCard IDE is just a collection of 
stacks; the engine that runs those stacks is the same engine that runs 
the LiveCode IDE.

Why would you expect those stacks to be able to import PDF?

PDF and EPS are very different things, and there's nothing the MC IDE 
stacks can do with EPS that your own stacks can't do in the LiveCode IDE 
(which is next to NIL, since I don't believe EPS is listed anywhere as a 
supported format).

That said, I believe Alejandro wrote an EPS importer script, which 
parses the EPS and converts those coordinates to native LC objects  - 
Alejandro, what's the URL for that?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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