Passing functions from stack to stack

Peter Haworth pete at
Sat Jul 7 22:57:48 EDT 2012

I think what you're doing is a perfectly good approach.  You probabluy have
a button on your first stack with a script that looks something like, go to
stack "modalstack".  Rigfht after that, you can call your datbase load
funtion to refresh your database.

You probably should have two ways for the user to exit from the modal stack
- an OK or Apply or something similar button, and a Cancel button.  There's
a global property named dialogData that you can use to pass which button
was clicked in the modal stack back to the main stack.  So in the button
scripts, Set the dialogData to "OK", or set the dialogData to "Cancel".
 Then, right after the go to command in the main stack, check the value in
the dialogData to determine if you need to refresh your database.

I think of stacks as indiovidual functions of an application and the cards
within them as the way the nuser communicates with the application.  Each
stack has its own window and the cards in the stack are displayed in that
window, so if you need multiple widnows, do it with a stack for each, not a

Youc an change the size of cards wtihin a stack but, as others have aid, it
gets messy and probably not the way to go, at least to start with.

Hope that helps,

lcSQL Software <>

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 7:57 PM, Magicgate Software - Skip Kimpel <
skip at> wrote:

> Excuse my novice approach here but I am still trying to wrap my head
> around the whole stack, substack and card concept.  I understand how
> they work in general but do not fully understand how they communicate
> between each other.
> For instance I have a stack and a substack.  Each has a card.  The
> first stack calls the other stack as a modal.  When that modal stack
> closes I want to refresh the information to the stack below it.  I
> have a function called buildData that normally runs when the main
> stack starts and I need to re-call that when the modal card closes
> otherwise there are some database changes to do not show.
> I will stop there before I confuse you all, I think I work this out
> mentally and how they all talk to each other I will be fine.
> Also, if anybody, in general can explain to me some organizational
> reasons behind the stack, substack and card concept, please fill me
> in.
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