Meatball protected stacks :-)

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Jul 6 21:50:05 EDT 2012

On 7/6/12 6:12 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> Peter Haworth wrote:
>> In the meantime, there are some custom property values that I just don't
>> want to hardcode in scripts.  I guess my only option is to encode them
>> somehow.
> The problem with reading values from scripts is that the script property
> can't be read from objects within a locked stack.
> If you need to encrypt data you might consider using the encrypt command
> with data stored in a custom prop.

I usually use encrypted properties. But it's possible to embed secret 
things in scripts even if the stack's locked:

function getSecretThing pType
   switch pType
   case "password"
     return "mypass"
   case "username"
     return "mrEd"
   case "keysToKingdom"
     return "aHorse"
   end switch
end getSecretThing

It only works if the secret things don't change though.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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