Uniquly identifying a stack

Peter Haworth pete at lcsql.com
Sun Jul 1 19:25:24 EDT 2012

I know this has been discussed before but has anyone come up with a
foolproof way to identify a stack?

The ID doesn't work since it changes everytime a card or control is added
to the stack.  The name doesn't work because it too can change on a whim.

Is anyone using the altID property for this purpose?

The reason for the question is that my tool for identifying differences
between stacks is just about ready to go out to beta.  It uses card and
control IDs to uniquely identify objects between versions of a stack but so
far, I'm using the stack name to uniquly identify a stack between versions
and I know that's not going to be reliable.  I know it's now possible to
set the ID of an object so theoretically even using IDs to identify the
same object between stack versions could be a problem.  Hopefully it's
pretty uncommon to change the ID of card/control but it's commonplace for
that to happen for a stack.

lcSQL Software <http://www.lcsql.com>

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